What a week this is energy wise!

And the Sun will very soon be in beautiful fun loving Sagittarius. This mutable fire energy is generally optimistic, loves an adventure and sees the bigger picture. You'll never be able to tame a true Sagittarius and you wouldn't want to!

You may notice the need for intimate connection shifts to the need to connect with the world again.

There are themes of deep healing and renewal this week as Chiron and Jupiter (the planet that rules Sagittarius) are very strong at the moment. With Mercury also in this sign, there might be a very direct and blunt conversation on the cards too.

The Sun is also in sextile with the newly appointed Pluto in Aquarius so go your own way, be your authentic self, be open to new possibilities and don't even hesitate to look back once.

If you would like a 1:1 birth chart reading with me take a look at my Astrology page and get in touch.


New Moon in Sagittarius and December Forecast


The dawn of a new era