It’s Leo Season – the fixed fire sign ruled by the sun

Lions head in profile with flowing mane, against a starry night sky

If you have personal planets in Leo in your birth chart its going to bring determination, confidence, passion, optimism and creativity into the area of life that Leo and those planets reside in for you.

It’s a very stubborn energy though and not that great with criticism I know, I have 2 planets in Leo!

It’s when the world goes a little more crazy (yes even more so!), especially around Lionsgate (8/8) I find I get a lot of downloads and spiritual lessons sent my way from about the 26th of July onwards as there is increased cosmic energy between the spiritual and physical realms, this usually builds and peaks on or very close to 8th August. This is also very powerful for manifestation so be extra careful what you're putting out into the universe.

Mercury enters Virgo on Thursday helping us to pay attention to the details and with Mars in Gemini and all this Leo energy too I would think communicating and expressing exactly what's on one’s mind will be very heightened.


We’re now in the build up to the Lionsgate on the 8th


New Moon in Cancer