Energy update - spring equinox

Welcome to the astrological new year, energy-wise this week is pretty huge. The new moon on Tuesday 21st March is at 0 degrees of Aries. Aries is one of the leaders of the zodiac and a Cardinal, along with Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Energetically this is a great time to start something. The sun and moon will be in Aries on Tuesday and this, along with the spring equinox, will very much signify new beginnings.

Now is a great time to take action, or if you're not quite ready to take action then you can take advantage of this moon to put steps in place to do so, maybe over the next month up until the next new moon, or over the next 6 months to the Aries full moon in September, which completes a cycle. use this time to plan how are you going to do it and how you’ll get from where you are now to where you want to be.

We’ve just come out of Pisces with its dreamy energy into Aries which is very much action-orientated. So if you’ve been dreaming of something, now’s the time to make it happen!

Aries is courageous, so if you are feeling like you need that extra bit of bravery, perhaps to ask for something you've been afraid of asking for, or approaching someone about something, now would be a good time. The new moon energy will gradually build in strength toward the full moon over the next two weeks and is a good time to focus on you and your needs in particular. It’s also a good time to let go and release what no longer serves you so that you can welcome in the new.


Pluto moves into Aquarius
This is massive as we have not experienced this energy in our lifetime as Pluto has a 248 year orbit! Pluto is the planet of death and transformation so depending on where Aquarius is in your chart (the house area) this will be affecting us all in very different ways. It is staying in the sign for 2 months and will travel back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius a few times over this year and next and then will stay in Aquarius permanently from Dec 2024 for 20 years,

Collectively I think that the power could shift a lot over the next couple of years in the world. Aquarius is an air sign connected to the future, innovation, science, technology and community and Capricorn is an earth sign and is connected to traditional values, top-down structure, big business and financial success. So I think this could bring about a lot of changes in the world.

Mars leaves Gemini and enters Cancer
As a native Mars in Gemini, I am soooo ready for this bad boy to move on! It's been in this sign for 7 months and if you've been overthinking everything, feel like you've been bombarded with information and are just generally living a lot in your head this could be why. It’s likely that Cancer will bring calmer energy enabling us to process the information overload, it’s also cardinal and this means a lot of leader energy coming in generally. Along with the Aries' new moon, the spring equinox is yet again another indication of new beginnings.


Welcome to June


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